Chimney Masonry & Brick Repairs

You know how important it is to buy quality products, whether you’re purchasing big items like a new car or smaller items, like clothes. When you buy quality products, it lasts longer and looks better. This idea also holds true for your chimney work as well. If you...

Guard Your Chimney Against Chimney Leaks

A soft, warm springtime rain is such a welcome event, especially on a freshly planted field or garden. There’s nothing more satisfying than getting the seeds in the soil, then hearing the gentle patter of raindrops watering the seeds. If you’re a gardener, you know...

Yonkers, NY Chimney Masonry Repair

Now that summertime is almost officially here, it’s time to think about having some repair work done around the house. Summertime is the best time to have repair work done. Springtime can still get hit with late winter snow, and if it’s not snowing, it can be pretty...